
Tuesday 9 June 2015

Posters With Text

Here I have decided to experiment with different ways to change my final posters, one of them being text.

With this poster I have decide to add the word 'Batman' this I then diluted the fill to 40% and placed it at the bottom of the poster, similar to Olly Moss I chose to do white text on black background so then you wouldn't miss it.

What I thought next was how could i link both of my poster together more and then realised that i could add some text onto the top half of the second poster so that it became a sentence / title to follow through the pieces.

I think the idea of it has worked really well but don't feel that it looks as nice with the text as it does without.
That is why in the end I chose to create my posters without any extra text because I felt it took away from the pieces.

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