
Saturday 20 September 2014


Print Workshop

Inspired by Barbara Rae we were told that we were going to be making three collagraph plates

A collagraph is a collage printmaking technique where the image is created from a variety of textured materials glued to a cardboard base. This forms a relief block with different surface areas and textures.  

To create this you need these materials:

- Watercolour paper
- Blotting paper 
- Caligo safewash relief inks
- Tissue paper and newsprint
- Scrim
- Toothbrush  
- Thick cardboard plates
- lots of textured materials like : mesh, masking tape, tin foil, carborundum powder, thread, textured wallpaper etc.
- PVA glue
- Albion printing press and roller press

With this workshop we were told to create abstract pieces rather that creating a plate from a photograph.

Although these plates are abstract we had to take into the account the principles of design these are:
- Pattern
- Contrast
- Emphasis
- Balance
- Proportion/Scale
- Harmony
- Rhythm/Movement

Stage 1
The steps to create these plates are:
1. Look through the textured materials and decide which ones you are going to use for the first plate.
2. Design your plate making sure that when sticking then down with PVA glue all of them are secure, as you don't want them falling off when printing.
3. Once all of the PVA glue is completely dry, each plate has to have two to three coats of shellac. (Shellac is used as a protective coat so then the plates can be used over and over again.)
4. Once the shellac has dried you can start to print.

Stage 2

5. The first thing to do is get the next lot of equipment : ink, board, scrim and watercolour paper.
(Before you start to print you need to put some pieces of watercolour paper into water so it will be ready for when you want to print.)
6. take a small pea sized amount of ink and place it onto a board, to mix two inks you get a small piece of cardboard and add the colours together. To ink up your plates you take a small amounts of ink with scrim or a toothbrush. Work the ink into the plate in a circular motion. Once you feel that there is enough ink on the plate take the tissue paper and lightly buff it over the plate. 
7. Lay your collagraph on the printing bed face up. take a bit of the watercolour paper out of  soak and try to get the excess water off by placing it between the blotting paper, then lay it over the top of the plate and cover with the felt blankets.
8. Roll the collagraph through the press, carefully lift up the blankets and remove the finished print.

Health and Safety for this workshop is :

- Take care when using the printing press
- Keep work area clean and tidy 
- Wear gloves and an apron (if required)
- Keep the room ventilated

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